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Analysing Pascal source code
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The Windows Explorer's File menu and context menu (the menu displayed when you right click on an item in the Explorer window) display the options that operate on the selected object. These operations include the standard Cut, Copy, Delete and Rename operations if they are appropriate, and will often include other operations which are specific to the type of object that was clicked on.

Windows provides a way for programmers to add options to these menus for their own programs, but doing so is not for the faint hearted. The purpose of SOCKShell, therefore, is to add some simple and generally useful options to the context menu, and also to allow the user to simply and quickly add and configure context menu options of their own.

SOCKShell gives you complete control over the layout and content of its context submenu, and you can even choose where menu-separators are placed utilising the flexible configuration program. Its easy-to-use interface lets you build your own menu that adds links to your programs, files and their content, with no reduction in performance or functionality of the standard context menu.

The predefined options

Examples of the new options provided by default include 'Edit with Notepad' and 'Edit with Write', both useful for quickly examining documents or text files without loading a full word processor, and 'Command Prompt here' to open a Windows Command Prompt in the currently highlighted folder.

The predefined options automatically added to the SOCKShell context menu include: These options are all enabled by default at installation time so appear on all context menus, but they can each be configured or disabled from the preferences screen. To get up and running quickly, open up the preferences screen and go from there!

Ease of use

Simple help tips are automatically displayed throughout SOCKShell, and general help is always available by clicking on the Help button or pressing F1.

A pop up window containing context sensitive help, also known as "What's this?" help, on each item is available by right clicking on the item.

Finally, you can enter context sensitive help mode by clicking on the ? button in the top right hand corner of the window or by pressing the Shift F1 keys. In this mode the mouse cursor changes to a question mark, and clicking on any item will display a pop up window containing help information about that specific item.

How does SOCKShell help me?

You can save time

How many times have you wanted to set the date, time or attributes of a group of files to the same value? With SOCKShell you can instantly set any or all of them, along with the contents of all the subfolders if required.

How many times have you wanted to take a quick look inside a file without waiting for its associated application to load? With SOCKShell you can instantly edit any file with Notepad, Wordpad or an application of your own choosing.

How many times would typing a simple DOS command be easier than wading through multiple dialogs and menus? With SOCKShell you can instantly open a Command Prompt (DOS box) in the selected folder.

How many times have you found the file you were looking for, but then had to separately cut and paste its path and its name in order to pass its location to another application? With SOCKShell you can instantly copy its full path and name ready for pasting into another application.

All these operations and more are only two clicks away with SOCKShell!

You can personalise Windows Explorer

By adding your own options you can quickly and easily personalise the Explorer context menu and add significant functionality to the standard context menu.

For example, you can easily add an option to send an email with the selected file as an attachment, or an option to edit the selected image file with an alternative image editor.

Delphi programmers can analyse their productivity

The 'Analyse Pascal source code' options detailed below allows you to quickly and easily analyse an individual Pascal source file or a whole project on a regular basis in order to monitor its progress.

Analysing Pascal source code

Of particular interest to Delphi programmers is the 'Analyse Pascal source code' option, which will process a single file or folder, or a whole directory tree, and produce a report of the total number of characters, lines, blank lines, code lines, comment lines, classes, functions and procedures.

This information is automatically copied to the Windows Clipboard in a variety of formats, allowing you to paste it directly into another application or document such as a spreadsheet, word processing document or a presentation.

How can I find out more about SOCKShell?

View some screen shots of SOCKShell in action

Read more about the predefined options

Read the Frequently Asked Questions

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